Cell phones possibly hurt learning environment

The advancements of technology in the 21st century have provided many new opportunities for the classroom. The introduction of tools such as laptops and the integration of the internet at Revere High School has resulted in many students learning information at a faster pace, understanding their strengths and weaknesses and creating stronger bonds with their teachers. Unfortunately, the popular usage of social media sites such as Snapchat,  Instagram and other attractions have pulled students’ attention away from the lessons, creating problems for themselves and teachers alike.

It is not entirely the students’ faults. Phones have increased in availability and popularity with people of all ages, resulting in a dependence when it comes to both school and work. A major reason students make attempts to check the constant swirl of notifications derives from the lack of an established time during school to have a release from school pressures. This unfilled void causes students to disrupt class by diverting their attention away from the teacher, which can result in immediate consequences such as the phone being taken away or the long term consequences of an underdeveloped education.

A potential solution would be to open up lunch times to formally allow students to freely use their phones as they wish. Since lunch is not a time of the school day where learning occurs, students can feel at ease knowing that there is time set aside for their convenience. To compromise with a designated time for phone usage, teachers should provide a container that students must put their devices into before class begins. This way, students can utilize their time in class without any impulsive desires, which can simultaneously give teachers a more attentive and focused classroom.

There is a solution to the growing problem students and teachers face in the constant battle between the phone and a formal education. The best way Revere High School can do that is to face it head on to help the welfare of the students as well as their academic endeavors.