High school offers voter registration opportunity

With the presidential election fast approaching, Revere High School seniors and juniors over the age of eighteen have the opportunity to participate in choosing the next president of United States of America.

Students have received information concerning voter registration.  With this comes the need to learn about the views of candidates and to consider who to vote for.  Students are influenced by their parents, their teachers  and social media.

Are students getting enough information about the candidates to make the right choice to vote?

Students should know what each of the candidates plan to do as president and the policies he or she would put to action.  At the age of eighteen, students probably learn a lot of information about the presidential candidates because of media coverage.  Students also get information from the government classes provided to them by the school.  The government classes revolve around the history and current state of the government and politics, which is very helpful for students preparing to vote.

However, many students get their ideas from the influence of their parents.

It is inevitable that parents will introduce politics to their children and give their own position on who to select for the presidential candidate, but it is the student’s job to make the decision that best fits them.