Revere high school showcases new art installation

Bailey Boring

The new art installation in the atrium

Revere High School has added several art pieces to the new building, including an art installation in the atrium.

This piece was a gift from an anonymous donor, and was created by Ekko Mobiles. Ekko Mobiles is based out of Portland, Oregon and designs different types of kinetic art. Kinetic art can be defined as art containing motion. This particular piece is made from resin and was installed in early August. The installation process took several days. Dr. Montgomery, the superintendent of Revere, explained the installation process.

“They projected lasers from the ground to the ceiling, so there were points of contact where they had to hang the wire,” Montgomery said.

Montgomery explains where the inspiration to have artwork in the new building came from.

“We featured art in the lobby of Bath Elementary. That spurred the discussion of, ‘Are we going to consider adding an art element to the lobby of the high school?’ ” Montgomery said.

Many agreed that there should be something hanging in the space above the atrium area. Montgomery goes into detail on how the design for the piece was chosen.

“We were looking for things that hang from the ceilings . . . and [Ekko Mobiles] comes up as a prominent designer of that type of artwork,”Montgomery said.

Mr. King, the principal of Revere High School, and Claudia Hower, a board member, both agreed that there should be something hanging in the atrium.

“[Claudia Hower] really ran with it, because it was something she wanted to add as a nice piece for our school,” King said.

What the piece portrays is up to the viewer to interpret. It is inspired by elements in nature because of Revere’s close proximity to the Bath Nature Preserve. While the installation attracts viewers every day, the donor of the piece wishes to remain anonymous.