Freshman ends successful Speech and Debate season

A Revere High School freshman experienced a successful first season of Speech and Debate, qualifying for the state competition and placing second in the Ohio State Novice Tournament.

Emily Albert has only participated on the Speech and Debate team for one season, but has seen a great amount of success in her first year. Albert explained why she originally joined the team and described her initial expectations joining the team.

“I like to argue and am always up for a challenge . . . Going into Speech and Debate, I honestly had no idea what to expect or how I would do,” Albert said.

Albert also added how she has noticed how participating on the Speech and Debate team has affected her speaking with others. She discussed her plans for participation in the upcoming seasons.

“[Speech and Debate] has helped me with speaking better with anyone, for example, the ‘likes’ and ‘ums’ along with stuttering are no longer a problem for me. . . . I hope to win states by the end of high school. Overall, Speech and Debate has been, and will be a great experience,” Albert said.

John Kerezy, Speech and Debate coach, explained his initial reaction to reaction to Emily placing second in the Ohio State Novice Tournament, and described the tournament itself.

“I was extremely excited, she was like a duck in water when she started with the team. She prepares very well for competitions and has done something that no other freshman has done. . . . [The Ohio State Novice Tournament] was held the week after the state competition, which she also participated in, but it is for anyone participating in Speech and Debate on their first year. It was held at Medina and is a very big event,” Kerezy said.

Kerezy also discussed Albert’s best contributions to the team and how he thinks her participation in the team will affect her in the future.

“Emily researches well, speaks well, and is logical. This is something you do not see often in a first year [Speech and Debate member]. . . . People who participate in Speech and Debate have a tendency to have a higher acceptance rate with colleges. [Speech and Debate] teaches skills that help in classes and with colleges,” Kerezy said.

Nathan Albert, brother of Emily and member of the Speech and Debate team, expressed how he felt about his sister’s success this season and what he believes her best trait is for the team.

“I am very proud of her, and I am confident that she will do great things for the Speech and Debate team going forward. . . . She is stubborn and never backs down from an argument . . . she is very loud, making her a good speaker,” Nathan said.

Albert placed second in the Ohio State Novice Tournament and made it to quarterfinals in the state competition, rarely done by members in their first year. She plans on continuing with the Speech and Debate team, and plans on staying with the Speech and Debate program for her next three years of high school.