Girls’ lacrosse team gains new coaching staff

The Revere High School girls’ lacrosse team welcomed two new coaches after team members graduated, allowing the team to recognize new leadership within itself.

The girls’ lacrosse team has hired a new head coach in Bath Elementary School interventionist Kara Donnahoe and a new assistant coach in previous three year Revere Middle School lacrosse coach Michael Paxton. Donnahoe has background experience as a lacrosse player, while Paxton served as a commander in the army for twenty-three years. Preceding his RMS coaching career, he coached Boys’ youth lacrosse for two years.

Paxton voiced that Donnahoe provides a better background on lacrosse and has played women’s lacrosse before. He did not play lacrosse at a young age due to absence of the sport in his high school. According to Paxton, he will bring a strong coaching and conditioning background to the team.

Paxton added that he likes the speed and finesse of the non-contact girls’ lacrosse games compared to the collision sport of boys’ lacrosse.

Sophomore Tori Holvey has been on the team for two years and has played lacrosse since fifth grade. According to Holvey, the new coaches will benefit the team.

“The new coaches will provide a whole new outlook and ideas for our team. Each player contributes something different to the team. Everyone on the team has their own style when they play which makes our game strong,” Holvey said.

Senior captains Amanda and Nicole Schwaben are the sole seniors of the team. They have both played on the lacrosse team since their sophomore year. Amanda voiced what she thinks will create a successful team.

“We need a team that works really well together. Most of our starting lineup graduated last year. We want a team that works together well and excels,” Amanda said.

Nicole talked of the type of physical workouts that the lacrosse team employs during conditioning.

“For conditioning we are normally in the weight room in the high school doing Crossfit-style workouts including running and core. Our practices outdoors start in March, but the weather is unpredictable,” Nicole said.

Holvey described lacrosse as a sport in itself and how it may entice students to join.

The team started conditioning in October, and official practices began in March. Additionally, about fifteen of the players participated in the Greater Cleveland Lacrosse league, an independent indoor league that gives them time to hone their skills before the season. The team ended last year with a record of ten wins, six losses and one tie, including the playoff games. Team seniors Amanda and Nicole plan to return with the team to the playoffs and eventually create a state-championship-worthy team.