Senior founds systems admin company

Senior Camron Shaw begins his day with an early 6:00 wake-up and an email check from any of his clientele. He then makes his commute to school to embrace the five-period day. When school ends, Shaw drops off his little brother at home before starting his main focus for the evening: running his systems administrative company, Acevio. From 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Camron schedules his client meetings, a crucial time frame for his company, because most of his clientele leave their offices at 6:00 p.m. After consulting with his clients, Shaw works from 6:00 p.m. onward addressing any issues his clients face, ranging from remote technical support to endless amounts of paperwork. Once he finishes his work — ending his day from as late as 2:00 a.m to 5:00 a.m. — Shaw goes to sleep, then promptly wakes up at 6:00 again to repeat the process.

Shaw founded Acevio — a company that concentrates on website development and design, growing brands, framework development and hosting — with junior Drew Gifford in June of this year. Shaw explained the services Acevio provides.

“We provide technology services to large companies. . . . [We] provide office insulations, install access points, provision phones, [and] install networking equipment. . . . We also provide consultation services for some data centers up in Cleveland,” Shaw said.

Acevio is currently made up of two main employees: Shaw is the chief executive officer of the company and manages client relations as well as the bulk of the programming for clients’ projects, and Gifford is the chief operating officer and manages client website design and the branding of the company. Gifford detailed his position.

“One of the two main jobs I have is . . . design, so I have to create a mock up of what a website is going to look like, get approval from the client, and then once we get approval, I go into whatever software and I code up the website and get it functional based off of the mockup that we provide to them as closely matched as possible. I’m also in charge of really any content that goes on the page as well,” Gifford said.

Before the establishment of his company, Shaw had worked in programming professionally since his freshman year of high school and first gained interest in programming when he started making Javascript plugin modifications for the computer game Minecraft when he was in the seventh grade. During Future’s Day at Revere High School in his freshman year, Shaw received the opportunity to network with a local programmer who would lead him to his future career at a local web design company in Medina called Ethode. After a six-hour interview, Shaw landed a job as a web developer, but soon moved to a sister company in Medina called Lightspeed Hosting, a data center that specializes in providing internet, phone, server space and colocation for buyers.

As a part of Lightspeed, Shaw physically managed all of the technology in the company and made sure connections such as the power flowing from transformers to power distribution centers would work. Additionally, Shaw would manage the flow of large customer-bought computers called miners that would mine for the online cryptocurrency ethereum. Shaw described how he managed the miners.

“I personally made a management software that would track all of the miners. It would tell you how much power they [were] using, what the costs each month [were] for us, how much we’re charging [the buyers], if all of the payments were made, if [a miner had] a fault and we [would] have to go through and fix it,” Shaw said.

As a part of Lightspeed, Shaw received the opportunity to go on business excursions to events such as Apple WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) in 2017, which showcased the company’s new computers and programming languages. Shaw described the trip.

“We wanted to go on a trip, so we decided to go to WWDC. Lightspeed is a partner with Apple, so we got our tickets pretty quickly. . . . We were there for about four days, give or take. They [had] these little booths where I think they announced Swift [Apple’s programming language] so they had new Swift tools. . . . I did get to meet Tim Cook [the chief executive officer of Apple],” Shaw said.

Outside of working at his company, Shaw recently took a seat on Revere’s district technology committee, a group of 25 individuals made up of students, parents, board members, teachers and staff who congregate to decide the types of technology that get implemented into the district. Principal Phil King explained how Shaw joined the committee.

“The district technology team decided that we needed some student input. Because of that, they asked me to get some students to apply and come up with a process for picking which students would be available. I ended up with about thirteen students that applied, [and Shaw] was one of the several seniors that applied. . . . I chose Camron because he has some great skills [and] really understands the use of technology and how it can be used, and [he] is very technically savvy when it comes to using computers,” King said.

In the school, Shaw takes multiple classes from Mr. Silvestri, Revere’s technology education teacher. Silvestri commented on Shaw’s contributions to the classroom.

“[Camron is] hardworking and task oriented. He’s a quick learner and picks up on stuff really quick[ly]. . . . His strength is helping others. When we’re completing a task he considers worthy, such as programming, he likes to pass on his knowledge through teaching and teach[es] lectures,” Silvestri said.

Silvestri additionally commented on Camron’s work ethic when participating in Revere’s Robotics club, which design and builds robots and competes with them throughout the state.

“When there’s a task, [Camron] doesn’t fool around. He’s a direct kind of leader. He’s real hands on. . . . [He] leads more by example than by giving direction,” Silvestri said.

An expansive understanding of technology and its inner workings allows Camron to enter the business world at an early age, as well as using his interests to benefit his classes and Revere as a whole. In terms of the future for Acevio, Shaw and his colleague hope to keep their company alive as long as possible and to potentially attain more outreach into the local community with more clientele.