Celebrities use fame in positive manner

“Strive to be the best person you can possibly be so that you can inspire people to do the same, and then they can inspire people to do the same. Then, you can create a huge web of inspiration, and you can shift the global consciousness to work toward a higher, better humanity as a whole. Then, you can change the future and change the world.”

Singer/songwriter Drew Chadwick stated this in an interview with Young Hollywood, which not only details his dreams for the future but also the act of using his popularity to spread a positive message. Drew Chadwick along with band members Keaton and Wesley Stromberg, who form the band Emblem3, have devoted their time to founding what they call “Team Inspire,” which, according to the official website, is “a global movement dedicated to bringing a sense of self-worth, compassion and humility to young people through the power of inspiration.” This organization works through social media and several events at a local level to spread kindness to the world. Team Inspire states that their aim is “to inspire everyone to explore their passions, identify their purpose, and pursue their dreams.”

Many have joined the organization around the world and display their accomplishments through the hashtags #TeamInspire and #WeR1 on Twitter as well as even being recognized by the local news.

Selina Tucker, Katie Gamby and Kelsey Sturm from Kansas City made it their mission to spread positivity throughout the Power and Light District by posting notecards with compliments and positive messages written on each one. Their goal was to try to boost random strangers’ confidence levels and put a smile on their faces and brighten up their days. The girls also distributed flyers and have organized Team Inspire events in their area as well.

This phenomenon known as Team Inspire is not subjective to the United States, though. There is a Team Inspire network that reaches all across the globe, and the band Emblem3 has ensured to keep everyone involved through various contests. Some of these contests involved the specific Team Inspire leaders from different parts of the world harnessing their members and creating YouTube videos about how much Team Inspire has influenced their lives.

The band also created an “I am” video to encourage people to embrace everything that they are and find the beauty in themselves so they can exude confidence. The video had a large group of people of various ethnicities who speak a variety of different languages saying, “I am (fill in the blank).” The efforts of the band Emblem3, Keaton and Wesley’s sister Brianna Claire and the band’s friends have helped create a platform of positivity through their fame.

Emblem3, however, are not the only celebrities utilizing their fame for the well-being of others. Singer/songwriter Ed Sheeran has also made an impact on people’s lives by promoting people’s self-confidence through his uplifting lyrics. Sheeran wrote the One Direction song “Little Things,” which contains lyrics such as, “I know you’ve never loved the sound of your voice on tape; you never want to know how much you weigh; you still have to squeeze into your jeans, but you’re perfect to me.” These lyrics of acceptance and loving someone even if he or she does not regard his or herself as perfect promote individuals with self-confidence.

Sheeran has said numerous times that he did not always love his “ginger” hair, but he has come to love himself and his qualities. In an interview, he reiterated to not fret about appearances saying, “Don’t stress too much on the way you look because there is someone out there who will find you beautiful.” His positive outlook and complementary nature could have an impact on his listeners as they could feel better about themselves. Chadwick also mentioned that he does not believe beauty can be defined.

“True beauty is undefinable; it has no form. Stop trying to put a label on what you think is beautiful. Stop believing the propaganda that tries to tell us what beauty is. True beauty is recognized with the heart of an individual, not the judgmental eyes of an entire society. This is your reality and there are no clearly defined edges. This beauty that is awe-inspiring lies in our own experience, not in what other people think,” Chadwick said.

Both of these celebrities try to boost other people’s confidence through their work instead of remaining self-absorbed. By creating lyrics that truly increase one’s self-esteem, Sheeran and Emblem3 go beyond the superstardom to devote their fame to inspiring and improving the “judgmental society” Chadwick believes Americans live in. Sheeran and Emblem3 are not the only celebrities who promote a greater being other than themselves; in fact, there are many more. The efforts of celebrities to use their fame as a way to send out positive messages could lead to a more unified, accepting nation.