RHS junior participates in beauty pageant

“Up next is Leah Bonyo,” the announcer called. The RHS junior got up and walked onto the stage of her first pageant. As she looked into the crowd, she saw girls all her age in evening gowns, competing for the same title. She answered the question, “Why do you want to be in the pageant,” and then walked off the stage, anxiously awaiting for the results.

Bonyo participated in the Miss Ohio Teen USA Pageant, which was also her first pageant. Sharon Bonyo, Leah’s mother, signed up Leah for the pageant.

“I had received an invitation for several years for her to apply and attend, however Leah was always busy. This was the first year she was actually free and able to apply,” Sharon said.

Bonyo started to prepare for the pageant six to eight months in advance. Bonyo explained what has to be done before the competition starts.

“The first thing [you] have to do is send in [your] online application with a picture of [yourself] and wait to see if you’re accepted. Then you have to pick two sponsors to help fund you with all the required fees and buying your outfits. Then an employee from the company of the pageant…will email you what outfits you need and there are specific colors. Then there’s an orientation where you meet the girls you’re competing against and you do a photoshoot for the pageant magazine. Then, the pageant is a couple weeks after the orientation,” Bonyo said.

Bonyo said that she enjoyed meeting the other competitors from the orientation.

“I really love all the girls’ attitudes and how we always hope for the best for each other and just become so close when we have only known each other for two days,” Bonyo said.

Sharon explained what the process was like for her.

“The process [was] fun and exciting watching her prepare and get ready,” Sharon said.

Sharon also likes the benefits that competing in the pageant can give to Bonyo and the skills she can gain from the pageant.

“I think competition is healthy and I believe the interviewing skills, the social interactions, [and] public speaking can be of great value to her as she pursues her career. It’s not so much about winning but about building that confidence level and looking at the value of the experience and it’s another way to get scholarship money and the networking is also valuable,” Sharon said.

Sharon is proud of Leah for competing in the pageant and is happy that she participated in it.

“I believe anyone who can get up on stage in front of thousands of people and compete is someone who has great self confidence and I am very proud of Leah for competing,” Sharon said.

Bonyo’s father, Dr. Bonyo, expressed how proud he was for Bonyo.

“I am very proud of Leah and how she did in the pageant. I can’t believe she made top 15 in her first pageant,” Dr. Bonyo said.

The pageant had four parts to it that included the personal interview, introduction, swimsuit, and evening wear. Bonyo was able to earn a place in the top fifteen out of more than 50 others.
Although Bonyo did not win the title of Miss Ohio Teen USA Pageant, she gained skills that she will be able to utilize throughout her entire lifetime. For Bonyo, the experience of the pageant was far better than the title.