Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice fails to meet expectations

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice was one of the most anticipated superhero showdowns of the year. However, the movie did not live up to the hype and the movie had many faults. This movie brings two of the most iconic characters in the DC comic universe, Batman and Superman, together. The movie was directed by Zack Snyder and it was released on March 25.

The cast of Batman vs. Superman included Ben Affleck (Batman), Henry Cavill (Superman), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) and Jeremy Irons (Alfred). Neil Degrasse Tyson had a cameo in the movie.

Jeremy Irons managed to keep the Alfred personality alive. Whenever he was on screen he was either the moral compass for Bruce or the witty butler that earned a few chuckles. Jesse Eisenberg played Lex Luthor in a different light. Instead of the older, bald, collective gentleman that Lex Luthor usually is portrayed as, he is now young, edgier, unpredictable, and more mentally unstable. Eisenberg still manages to portray Luthor as an evil manipulating genius, however.

The movie felt like a setup for future films in the DC universe. The reason for this is because they are setting up for a Justice League movie. It seems that Zack Snyder played off the infamous Marvel movie set up style. The Marvel movie set style is focusing on one superhero; make a movie about him and then sprinkling in Easter eggs and teasers hinting at more future movies about said superhero or a group of related superheroes. There were many cameos of several other super heroes in the movie and certain dialogue that indicated more DC movies are on the way.

There were many religious overtones throughout this film. It is fine for these themes to weave their way into the film through either dialogue or symbols but the movie kept slapping the audience with this theme every five minutes. Almost every character called Superman a god and made an allusion to him being a god, from Lex Luthor, to Batman to every other side character. One scene in the movie had Superman saving a little girl from a burning building and when he was returning the girl to her family, the crowd surrounded Superman. The people then kneeled and stretched their hands out to Superman in reverence and prayer. The people were Mexicans celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and they would not idolize Superman as a god.

The film also contained many plot holes. The actions of the characters seemed careless or not thought through; as if no common sense was used in certain situations. Some of these plot holes hindered how characters normally would act and made some actions feel as if they were made just for the sake of drama, suspense or a reason to fight.

The movie was basically a “Who will win” argument. If one ignores the faults of this movie then the experience can be an enjoyable one. Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice has set up the next generation of DC movies and a Justice League movie.