Revere students work to join Thousand Pound Club

Weight lifters are able to work in the newly-renovated Revere weight room.
Revere High School’s weight lifters spend hours and months in their weight rooms to achieve status that few will attain, the Thousand Pound Club.
To join the “Thousand Pound Club”, one’s max totals of three lifts: squat, bench press and deadlift, must be greater than or equal to 1,000 pounds. Junior wrestler Beckett Fant achieved it during his sophomore year. Fant has lifted since his freshman year. He works out with his wrestling teammates during the offseason.
“I never took note of [when I got it] but I first broke 1,000 pounds after my sophomore wrestling season. Currently, I squat 450 pounds, deadlift 460 pounds and bench 195 pounds,” Fant said.
To achieve the goal Fant said that he lifted consistently, and kept his diet healthy. He eats large amounts of Greek yogurt for protein, and also has a “protein mix” which helps him get stronger. Fant said that he works out five days per week: three are for lifting and two are for conditioning and wrestling. Fant expanded on his workouts.
“I lift with the guys on the [wrestling] team who [are not] busy with a spring or fall sport during the school year and with the few who show up regularly over the summer. We lift in [Jerry Kusar’s] gym so we do whatever workouts he decides,” Fant said.
He believes that the most important workout for strength is the deadlift because of all the different muscle groups it works. For general fitness, he recommends all three Thousand Pound Club lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift.
“[Deadlift] uses almost all of your lower body as well as your lower back, traps, core, and forearms. Doing any weight training will put you ahead, but the best would be the big three, squat, deadlift and bench,” Fant said.
Fant gave some general advice for anyone who wishes to get stronger.
“[Do not] be afraid to start out, almost everyone started where you are. If [you are] uncomfortable with the high school weight room you can go to another gym. Having a friend go with you helps, but you can go alone too. The most important thing is remaining consistent and not going overboard. If you try to go all in with a new diet and complicated program [it is] easy to feel overwhelmed,” Fant said.
Fant often lifts with his teammate, senior Nicholas Kelly. Kelly joined the Thousand Pound Club early in his high school career. His brother encouraged him to begin seriously working out during eighth grade.
“In eighth grade, my brother kept going over [to his coach’s gym] and I got curious and wanted to go over there once and see if I [liked] it. [I] went over there, everyone was nice [and] welcoming and I got hooked into it,” Kelly said.
Both wrestlers train with Jerry Kusar at his gym. Kusar started lifting 32 years ago with his wife. He explained his experiences with lifting.
“My wife Pam and I have been actively lifting for the last 32 years. It is a hobby [and] lifestyle that we thoroughly enjoy. In order to get better at our hobby I am continuously researching and trying things to just get better. As a result of this we had some success. We were both Elite level power lifters and Pam became a World Champion bodybuilder. People around us asked for help and I was more than happy to share what I love to do with others. I am not a professional trainer. I am a lifter that is more than happy to help anyone that I can to get better at what they do.”
Kusar now helps kids from schools throughout the area. He explained his lifting mindset, and how it translates to encouraging young lifters.
“When I went to a gym I looked for the strongest guys and would ask if I could train with them. After a few years I became the strong guy that other people wanted to train with. So my advice is find someone who knows what they are doing and get them to help you. I prefer advice from someone that squats 900 pounds rather than the trainer who reads about guys that squat 900 pounds. Be open-minded, be consistent and pick up something heavy. When you train today you just got stronger than you were yesterday,” Kusar said.
Revere lifters who have achieved Thousand Pound Club status include junior Hunter Bonfiglio, Fant and Kelly.