At Revere High School, students have the opportunity to explore the wonder of space through the astronomy class taught by Robert Kirsch.
The course at Revere High School introduced students to topics like constellations and space exploration.
This course, which serves as a science elective, offers students a chance to learn about constellations and the ever-changing discoveries in the field of astronomy.
Julia Earley, a student in the class, shared her reason for enrolling,
“I kind of wanted to have like a busy class. It’s like an elective so it’s like fun and it’s like a science credit” Earley said.
Beyond fulfilling a science requirement, Earley was also drawn to the subject by a personal interest in space.
“I’m also really interested in the stars, space, just looking at the sky,” she said.
Students in the class have already noticed Krisch’s enthusiasm for astronomy. Earley described her early impressions of the course.
“I can tell already [Krisch is] really passionate about it, so I think it’s going to be really good because I feel like when you have a teacher that’s passionate about it or they’re teaching, you learn better,” she said.
Krisch himself highlighted what he enjoys most about teaching astronomy. “It’s always changing. There’s always new discoveries. And it’s absolutely amazing to learn about the universe we’re in,” he said
While astronomy covers a wide range of topics, Kirsch explained that the class is designed to be accessible for students.
Krisch clarified the level of the course.
“Astronomy is taught at the same level as sophomore level biology.”
For students who may be concerned about the difficulty of the course, this comparison offers a helpful reference point.
Former student Zack Thomen also shared his perspective on the difficulty of the course.
“I would rate the overall difficulty of the astronomy class as challenging yet worth it” he said.
Earley expressed her excitement about this part of the curriculum.
“I know we’re doing that at some point. So that when I look at the sky, I can tell people, ‘Oh, that’s that one” she said.
For Zack Thonen, one topic stood out in particular.
“My favorite topic in the astronomy class was the moon” he said.
With an emphasis on discovery, astronomy at Revere High School offers students aN opportunity to learn about the universe.
Whether students are looking for an elective or are interested by space, the class provides an educational experience.