Principal creates new leadership program
Peltz presents to the League at the first meeting of the year.
Revere High School officially created the League of Leaders this year, bringing 56 clubs together in an effort to streamline events within the school.
Although Principal Dr. Andy Peltz announced the League of Leaders during the spring last year, the 2022-23 school year marks the beginning of meetings for the League of Leaders at RHS. Peltz explained his goals for the first monthly meeting.
“In our [first] league of leaders meeting, we’re going to talk about spirit week. Student council kicked out some ideas, but let’s get some feedback from the population. Because, again, you have a bias when you’re only talking to the same people,” Peltz said.
The League of Leaders held their first meeting on Wednesday, September 14 during lunch. At these meetings Peltz categorizes the 56 ambassadors into either a club, academic group or sport. Peltz, intending to maximise efficiency, plans to use these categories to create committees to tackle specific issues within the school.
These committees can help raise exposure and promote each other’s events. Revere clubs may find themselves competing with each other, and Peltz took this as an opportunity to “streamline” certain events at Revere. Peltz explained what initially inspired him to start the League of Leaders.
“I recognized that we have a lot of people who want to be leaders, and there aren’t always a lot of opportunities for people to step up. We have some very big personalities that naturally create a power magnet where people just sort of all are attracted to it,” Peltz said.
These students Peltz described, such as Philip Liu, President of Recycling Club and Speech and Debate and Vice President of Mu Alpha Theta, often hold multiple positions at different clubs. The League of Leaders allows more members of these clubs to come forth and have a voice. Liu described who fills the spots of the clubs he involves himself with.
“I’m the president of Speech and Debate and Recycling Club, but I got Suhesh [Venkatesh] to fill in for Speech and Debate, and I assigned Kyle Davis to Recycling Club,” Liu said.
Liu currently holds the position of ambassador for Mu Alpha Theta, an academic mathematics organization.
Merit Wagstaff, president of the senior class, also holds the position as the class council ambassador for the class of 2023. He explained how underrepresented clubs and organizations can greatly benefit from the exposure provided by the League of Leaders.
“[Many] clubs don’t have a voice or don’t have any people [to represent the club]. [Some] sports, they don’t have anyone coming [to watch], like golf. No one watches golf, but [in] the one golf [tournament] they had a couple weeks ago, we actually had more people [watch] than usual. It just helps with people’s recognition, especially for the clubs that no one really knows about. I’d say in terms of that, [the League of Leaders] is extremely good, extremely helpful for Revere,” Wagstaff said.
The League of Leaders plans to meet monthly on rotating lunch periods, discussing events such as homecoming, winter formal and class day.