RHS adds Apple TVs to all classrooms

Maria Silvidi

An Apple TV box sits upon a Smart TV.

Revere’s Administration Board placed Apple TVs in the new Revere High School building so students and staff members can use their Apple products during time in the classroom.

The actual Apple TV component is a small square shaped object that helps  the TV project Apple devices onto the screen. 

Director of Technology John Schinker described what an Apple TV is. 

“The Apple TV is the little box that sits on top of the displays in the classroom. The Apple TVs are connected to 86 inch LCD flat panel displays in the classrooms,” Schinker said. When the box is connected to the TV, it connects to the TV so that there is an option of “screen mirroring,” the ability to display the separate device onto the TV screen. 

Schinker had a group of people setting up the TVs, which included the display and the Apple TV units throughout the school. 

“The TVs in the classrooms were installed by the construction company. They also installed the Apple TV units, which allow MacBooks and iPads to connect to the TVs wirelessly,” Schinker said.

Schinker explained how the TVs were placed into the high school early on in the construction process.

“This initiative was part of the construction plan for the high school, and it is similar to the approach taken at Bath last year,” Schinker said.

Schinker continued by sharing his thoughts on whether it was a good idea to add Apple TVs to the building rather than Smart Boards.

“The Apple TV makes it easier for teachers to connect to the display in the room and to not be tied to the front of the classroom all the time. Students can connect easily as well, so teachers can ask students to share their work with the class,” Schinker said.

Schinker predicted how long the Apple TVs would last at the high school before replacement.

“The displays themselves should last 10-15 years. The Apple TVs connected to them should remain in service for 6-8 years. There will be new wireless protocols and better resolution which will make them less attractive in the long run,” Schinker said.

The Technology department for Revere understands that the TVs are eventually going to be replaced. One of the reasons Revere chose Apple TVs  is because the schools run on Apple based products. Superintendent Matthew Montgomery explained why the Apple TVs will  stay, based on the fact that the district uses Apple based products.

“If [the school is going] to keep using [the TVs, Revere should] maintain [its] relationship with Apple,” Montgomery said.

Director of Educational Technology Kathy Nolan went into detail of why Revere decided to choose Apple TVs over Smart Boards. Smart Boards is a touch screen which makes it easier when it comes to writing things on the board. But Apple TVs have the upper hand when it comes to connectability and monitorability with the students devices. One reason was the expenses were much higher when maintaining a smart Board.

“When we had Smart Boards, we were also paying a licensing fee for Smart software every year, which is now incorporated as a part of the whole Apple package, so we don’t have a separate stand alone component,” Nolan said. 

Another reason the school went with Apple TVs is because Smart Boards are outdated compared to the new technology available today. 

“The Smart Boards were becoming very outdated. They couldn’t keep up with the Apple technology. That was a big reason why we ended up going with the Apple TVs,” Nolan said. 

Schinker commented on the feedback from teachers and other staff members at Revere. 

“So far, the feedback has been very positive. Our teachers like the mobility the Apple TV affords, as well as the ease with which they can connect and share content,” Schinker said.