Senior Edition Academics: National Merit Semifinalists

Photo courtesy of Phil King. Used with permission.
Weisburn, Kronenberger, Deng, Lewis, and Ravichandran
These students’ scores on the PSAT earned them the National Merit Corporation’s title of Semifinalist.
Leah Weisburn will attend Colgate University in New York, where she will likely study mathematics or chemistry. In her time at Revere she especially enjoyed Mr. Sawan’s A.P. Chemistry class, “even if it was torture,” and the marching band’s trips to the state competition. She plans on playing the oboe in the orchestra at Colgate. She noted that enjoying the material made studying for and succeeding in more rigorous classes easier. She stated that enjoying the material helps ease the learning process. “I have been interested in most of the classes I have taken, and that helps a lot,” Weisburn said. Weisburn values education. “Learning more academically helps you understand the world, everything that goes on around you,” Weisburn said.
Asha Ravichandran will attend Case Western Reserve University, where she plans to study pre-medicine with a major in anthropology and possibly with a minor in classics. In her spare time she participates in Indian classical dance, plays the piano, enjoys reading, photography, and biking, and works with Summa Hospital’s Community Service Board and the Khan Academy’s Student Advisory Council. She would advise incoming high school students to “get involved in extracurriculars as soon as possible” while also taking challenging courses. She values academics, because “broadening [her] perspectives can allow [her] to be an informed and educated citizen in today’s society.” Academic success, she believes, requires “work-ethic and determination.”
Stephen Kronenberger plans to attend the Rochester Institute of Technology in the fall where he will study chemical engineering. He described the soccer team winning the state competition as his best memory from high school. He said, “Winning states for soccer… was an amazing experience to go through with my friends.” Outside of school, Stephen participates in soccer and track. He suggests for incoming high school students to “be involved in clubs and sports.” He explained his academic success came from hard work and dedication. In his future, he is most excited about meeting new people and experiencing new things.
Broderick Lewis plans to attend The Ohio State University where he will study Materials Science and Engineering. His favorite memory of high school is Blossom concerts during the summer because “good music with best friends make for great times.” Lewis participates in soccer, rugby, Boy Scouts, futsal and ultimate frisbee outside of school. Regarding what excites him most about his future, he said, “I am excited to have fun with my friends at college and to branch out while focusing on an interest I can turn into a promising career.” He suggests for incoming high school students to stay involved, manage your time, and have plenty of fun.
Victoria Deng will attend Case Western Reserve University where she plans to study psychology and pre-medicine. In her time at Revere, she enjoyed running cross country for 4 years because “the team became my second family and we’ve shared so many great memories.” Deng participates in running, singing, soccer, piano, reading, and spending time with her family. She suggests incoming students to “not stress out too much. Enjoy high school.” She is most excited about the independence of college and the chance to learn more about her passions and who she is.