Superintendent involves students in district decisions
Photo courtesy of Matthew Montgomery. Used with permission.
Montgomery meets with members of his Think Tank.
The Superintendent of the Revere Local School District has created a student led Think Tank to help him make decisions as he transitions into his role in the school’s administration.
Matthew Montgomery is in his first year as superintendent at the district. He talked about his reasoning behind creating the group.
“I asked Mr. King to come up with a group of students grades nine through twelve who could contribute to my on how they felt that Revere was going,” Montgomery said.
Montgomery explained that the idea came from a transition plan that he had developed as the new superintendent of the school.
The group consists of around ten to twelve handpicked students between grades nine and twelve. Revere High School Principal Phil King explained how the students were selected to be a part of the group.
“The students that were selected are ones that we feel exemplify good character traits in our community. They were selected to give the students a voice and the ability to affect decisions made by the superintendent,” King said.
The group consists of Montgomery and the ten to twelve students that were selected as members. Montgomery explained why he chose to set up the group in this way.
“I wanted to set up a trusting environment where the students aren’t afraid to share with me, without any risk or worry of this being used against them,” Montgomery said.
Montgomery explained that his current role does not allow him to be with the students very much because of the day-to-day operations that he has to oversee. Montgomery loves working with the students and creating this group was the perfect way to do both that and help gain a different viewpoint on the schools issues.
“This gives me a portal to the students that I am serving and allows them to have a voice too,” Montgomery said.
Montgomery explained that he uses the group’s meetings to see the students viewpoint on issues.
“I asked all the people in the group a list of questions like, how they feel Revere is going and what we could do to make it better,” Montgomery said.
Senior Megan Travers is very happy with what the group is all about.
“It’s a good way for the administration to help better the school by getting another perspective on issues,” Travers said.
The group consists of Daniel Branch, Caroline Edwards, Drew Espinal, Becca Fisher, Cassidy Kohmann, Eric Lazbin, Courtney McClellan, Ryan Nazdam, Ashley Oakley, Anthony Pignataro, John Sternasty, and Megan Travers.