Band competes in state tournament

The Revere High School Marching Band participated in the state tournament in Columbus where they strove to earn a superior rating from the judges.

Darren LeBeau, who has directed the band for 18 years, discussed the format of the the tournament and how it was run. LeBeau said that the band ran rehearsal for two hours then drove down to Columbus. Once they arrived they had 45 minutes to warm up, stretch out, fine tune, and prepare for the final performance. After every six bands, awards are handed out. Each of the 125 band has the opportunity to either achieve a superior, excellent, good, fair, or poor rating.

Junior xylophonist Lauren Sadataki commented on the attitude of the band members toward the tournament

“I thought [the tournament] went really well. Everyone said it was our best. I think everyone was into it, and since it was states I think everyone just brought this energy that was higher than usual, and everyone executed really well, and it was very clean,” Sadataki said.

Sadataki also talked of how the band’s performance at states differed from a usual performance.

“I think [the difference in our performance] was more the way we performed. The music didn’t change, but there was just something different about it, like the intensity… [because] I think just that it was states everyone brought their A game and just wanted to get a 1 for the first time even though we didn’t,” Sadataki said.

Color guard member and senior squad leader Kailey Gentner voiced how the tournament went and how it differed from regular competitions.

“It went pretty [well], we wanted a one which is the best rating and we got a two so that was a little disappointing, but overall everyone felt like they had a really good performance,” Gentner said.

Gentner explained the difference between the way the state tournament is run in comparison to a normal competition.

“Overall it’s the same how the judges score. States is obviously a little stricter so they’re [harder] on the judging, but most other competitions they give a best in class award, and best marching, and they actually rank you places. But states you just get a ranking,” Gentner said.

LeBeau explained how this year’s band is special compared to other bands that he has directed in the past.

“The majority work very hard at working together. There’s always going to friction, there’s always going to be drama, but they chose to set the goals for the band, when things are going to get done, they chose how we were going to treat one another, and I just have to make sure that they’re doing that. They work really hard and they want to be good, and they are good this year and most of them are reaching all of their goals that they set,” LeBeau said.

Gentner, who also runs track, explained how band differs from her other activities.

“[With] band, I put a lot more time in because we have band camp over the summer and then since I’m in color guard, every Tuesday we have 3 hour practices in addition to the 5th period where we practice the whole time,” Gentner said.

The band hopes to continue to be successful as they go into the concert band season.

Photo by AJ Hughes
Revere Marching Band practices for State Tournament