Consumer Science teacher reflects on time at Revere

Photo By Cole McKee
Kathleen Shisler
Family/Consumer Science
Q: If you could put a “senior quote” in Lantern, what would it be?
A: “My advice to students would be if you have a passion, if you love something and that is what you think you want to do, go for it. Don’t let other people turn you down, turn you away from your goals. Go for your dreams, set goals, because you can reach them. The sky is truly the limit.”
Q: Why did you choose Revere?
A: “Thirty years ago, I was teaching at a campus style school . . . and as a young teacher, I was too nice. The students took advantage of that, and when I came to Revere, the quality of the students was just incredible. I have greatly enjoyed my time at Revere, and I will miss it.”
Q: What was your favorite experience
at Revere?
A:“I have countless good memories here at Revere. I have many awesome memories with my tennis team. We won the state
tournament in 1997; we finished third in the state in 2003, I’ve had some girls who won at states in doubles, and it was not always about the winning . . . . It’s more about
developing relationships with students, and helping them to progress into young men and women, and Revere is an amazing place to accomplish that.
Q: How would you
describe your time
at Revere?
A: “I’ve loved my job, my time at Revere, and I’m very sad about leaving . . . . I would say that it has been very rewarding because I love all the students that I have seen progress, learn new skills, and watch some of the students that fall between the cracks really make strides. ”
Q: What are your
retirement plans?
A: “I need to have some time to spend with (my parents) and I also hope to continue coaching Tennis, and working with Student Council.”