Revere PTSA sells pizza to raise funds
Revere’s Parent Teacher Student Association has started a fundraiser by selling Pizza Hut pizzas to students and teachers after school hours.
The pizza ordering began in February after the holidays. PTSA president Hope Weisburn commented on why pizza ordering started in February.
“I run the concession stand for the Revere Music Parents Association during the fall football season, and I needed my schedule to clear to fit in a commitment that size.” Weisburn said.
Weisburn mentioned how the PTSA has looked for a way for several years to raise funds, and this year they are offering pizzas for ten dollars
Middle School Principal Judy Myers noticed the opportunity to sell pizzas at other schools she previously worked with. She spoke on the origin of the program.
“The pizza idea was not an original. We used this idea in a former district to assist in raising funds for a group of students to travel out of state to compete in an academic competition. The opportunity presented itself late in the school year and we were trying to come up with a quick, innovative way to help students raise funds for the trip. Pizza seemed like a great idea…and it proved to be quite easy and highly successful for everyone involved in the activity,” Myers said.
Weisburn mentioned how they will utilize the fundraiser.
“We have not had a fundraiser for as long as I have known and have always operated on a shoestring budget based on membership fees. We needed to go above and beyond this amount to be able to offer more to our students in the way of scholarships, programs and support opportunities,” Weisburn said.
PTSA President Cindy Berry spoke of the proceeds of the pizza.
“100% of the money raised will go to benefit RHS students,” Berry said.
Weisburn also spoke of the PTSA’s income.
“Our only source of income to this point has been a percentage of our membership dues and the Fall Extravaganza,” Weisburn said.
Weisburn talked about how they order the pizzas. Weisburn mentioned that she gets 20 extra pizzas in hopes to sell them at the door.
“We will be starting an allocation committee at the HS, which is a first in a very long time that I am aware of. 100% of the funds will be going back to benefit the students at Revere. First, I know we would all like to add to the current scholarships that PTSA offers. We all know that $500, as helpful as it is, doesn’t go as far as it used to in college these days. We have also heard requests to replace decrepit Art Display boards for the Celebration of the Arts, possibly purchasing benches for beside the entrances, Kids 4 Kids and a plethora of other ideas which we will carefully consider and decide what will benefit the most amounts of students.” Weisburn said.
Weisburn also talked of retrieving the pizzas.
“I have to pick up the pizzas at the Pizza Hut Restaurant at 1694 West Market Street across from West Point Market at 2 pm every Friday. They fill my van to the brim,” Weisburn said.
They have gone past their goal of 25 pizzas and have averaged 46 and sold out the first week.
According to Weisburn, to order a pizza one can email Weisburn at to pick up the pizza at 3:07 after school.