Local school district introduces Resource Officer

Officer Shaffer can usually be found patrolling the halls of the Revere district.
The Revere Local School District is collaborating with the Village of Richfield and Bath Township to introduce the position of a School Resource Officer (SRO).
The program took effect at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. Micheal McNeely, Chief of Police at the Bath Police Department, spoke of the position’s beginnings.
“I proposed the idea to the Board of Trustees in 2007, and it has evolved to the point where they felt that it was a good, collaborative effort between Revere, Bath Township and the Village of Richfield for them to implement,” McNeely said.
The SRO, Bath Police officer Eric Shaffer, attends to the entire district, including the administration building. RHS principal Phil King voiced the effect that recent school violence events across the country have had on this decision.
“[Recent events were] part of the impetus that got this going. We had people in the community that thought it would be important to have someone here for safety purposes. If something were to happen, we would have somebody right there. Even if he’s not in that particular building, the response time would be very short compared to what it [might] be for a regular police officer,” King said.
Though the idea for the program is not new, this is its first year in the district. Randy Boroff, superintendent of the Revere Local School District, explained the different responsibilities of the officer.
“His responsibility is to provide the presence of an officer on campus. With the recent shootings and violence in the schools, we felt that this was very important. We also want him to develop relationships with students and with staff just as a way to hear what’s going on, get to know students and hopefully alleviate some issues that could arise, not only between students and students but outsiders who come into the school. [He will] provide security for our district,” Boroff said.
Shaffer joined the Bath Police Department in February 2013. He spoke of what attracted him to this position.
“I’ve always had this connection with kids. I thought it would be a great experience. I feel I get along well with the younger generation. It was very attractive; both the hours and the relationships with the young people. This is a very fresh, very new experience for not only myself and the staff, but for the students as well, [and] I’m excited to be here,” Shaffer said.
Officer Shaffer is considered a full-time member of the Revere staff. King reflected on the addition of the SRO to the Revere family.
“I am very pleased to see him here. I feel like he is a great fit for us, and I really appreciate his service,” King said.
Officer Shaffer’s daily schedule varies upon the needs of the schools in the district.