The 2024 film adaptation of Wicked, the broadway musical based on a novel, directed by Jon M. Chu, delivers a visually spectacular and narratively ambitious rendition of the beloved Broadway musical. Known for its engaging story about the unlikely friendship between Elphaba (Cynthia Erivo), the future Wicked Witch of the West, and Glinda (Ariana Grande), the Good Witch, the film successfully expands upon its source material while remaining faithful to the stage production. This adaptation impressively merges the Broadway magic with cinematic techniques, offering a modern yet respectful homage.
Visually, the film is a feast for the eyes. The vibrant color palette, intricate costumes and a blend of practical sets with computer-generated imagery (CGI) create a stunning depiction of Oz, the world surrounding the two witches. While some noted occasional inconsistencies in lighting, the overall aesthetic is immersive and dynamic, with the visual effects used thoughtfully to enhance rather than overwhelm. The expanded runtime of this two-part adaptation also allows for deeper exploration of Oz’s politics and social hierarchies, adding layers to the narrative. This includes more focus on Elphaba’s backstory and the political struggles involving marginalized communities, such as the talking animals, which draws parallels to real-world issues.
Musically, Wicked retains the power and charm of the Broadway production. Iconic numbers like “Defying Gravity” and “Popular” are reimagined with cinematic grandeur while preserving their emotional impact. Erivo, as Elphaba, delivers a compelling performance, combining her strong vocal abilities with nuanced acting that captures the character’s emotional depth. Grande brings a fresh take to Glinda, showcasing a mix of charm and comedic timing, though some moments reveal her ongoing growth as a film actress. Their chemistry as frenemies anchors the story, adding emotional resonance to the film’s key moments.
Jon M. Chu’s direction brings a thoughtful balance between spectacle and storytelling. By incorporating elements from Gregory Maguire’s novel, the film enriches the plot with expanded lore and deeper thematic exploration. Issues like identity, friendship and societal prejudice are interwoven with the fantasy setting, making the story both relatable and thought-provoking. The decision to frame the narrative as a reflective flashback also adds a unique cinematic layer, distinguishing it from the stage version.
Wicked is a dazzling and heartfelt adaptation that honors its origins while elevating the story for the big screen. With its captivating visuals, emotional performances and expanded narrative scope, it sets a new standard for musical adaptations. The film is two hours and forty minutes long and was released on November 20, 2024. The film ends with “to be continued”, which indicates there will be a second part to the film released shortly.