Final words from your editors-in-chief

It feels weird to say goodbye. Everyone who came before me always said that these four years would fly by, but I never truly understood that until experiencing it for myself. Whether you hated high school or thrived within these halls, the people we are now do not even come close to comparing with the little freshman versions who walked by the hole in the wall for the first time as high school students. We laughed a lot, we cried a lot, we learned a lot and most importantly we changed a lot.
There is a certain bittersweet feeling that comes along with the prospect of graduating. On one hand, the routine of high school has grown boring for most of us; as older, more mature people, we crave change. On the other hand, leaving the safety and comfort of that routine and the people who come along with it is scary and saddening. I hope to keep in touch with my friends as I assume most of you do as well, but we all grew up together in the same community. We have grown used to each other’s presence, even if we are not necessarily close with each other.
As we part ways, taking the next step in our lives, we will always remember our shared time at Revere. I know that when one of my old soccer socks falls out of my drawer, or I find a yearbook or even a copy of the Lantern in the corner of my room, my head will fill with all the good memories I made here. I am not going to lie and say my experience was all sunshine and flowers. I would assume many of you would agree, there were some really rough patches; however, we tend to remember the best of experiences after time as passes. So whether college, the military or the world of work waits for you, the transition may not be easy, but it always gets better.
Thank you to all the teachers and staff that work everyday to educate all of us. The best of wishes and nothing but happiness and success for my fellow classmates. Goodbye, Revere.