Students should consider different features of college

By the time you read this I will have graduated. Neat, huh? I will attend the College of Wooster in the fall, and while I knew that I would most likely become a Fighting Scot, I had reservations on committing to Wooster for the longest time.
I am unsure if it sprung from the thought that I might get accepted somewhere else or simply that I could not deal with committing to one place for the next four years of my life. Two things, however, stand in the way of that logic: money and the fact that I can change my mind at the last minute and still find a way to get an education.
For the money portion, I’m referring to scholarships, which dishearten me because scholarships and money have become a driving factor in picking a college or university. I would love to go to certain schools that I would not realistically think of attending because of the price tag. I ended up worrying about finances before I even applied anywhere! It seems like many students choose a particular school because of money, which should not be the case. A student should select a school based on how he or she believes the institution can help him or her become a better person.
University of Akron Senior Associate Director of Admissions Kimberly Gentile helped me with my other issue. She noted that some students have changed their minds after moving into dorms. Gentile noted that students can lean towards a school because their friends may wish to attend it, but that should not have an impact on one’s decision. A student should consider the aspects of the college that he or she prefers, not just the popularity of the school. After I spent a night in a dorm room, I knew I wanted to go to Wooster through the camaraderie between students and the kindness they showed me. Some students know as soon as they step foot on campus.
So young grasshoppers (and by that I mean juniors in the early phases of college planning), look at the school itself – the professors, the campus, the majors. Yes, consider the finances, but try not to let that control the big decision. Also, eat the food on campus. Food over friends, guys.