Intramural sports offer different college experiences

Those of you who are not really described as athletic but still enjoy sports have something to look forward to in college: intramural sports (a.k.a. sports that you can play but will not get kicked off the team based on your abilities).
Intramural sports are defined as a “formally organized program of activities, games, and sports designed to meet the needs of the entire college community.” Intramural sports provide the opportunity for voluntary participation and/or competition among members of the same institution. This voluntary participation allows all students to experience the benefits of being a “varsity” athlete. Though the main purpose of intramural sports is personal enjoyment, they actually present many other benefits to individuals.
Many colleges offer typical varsity sports like football, basketball, volleyball, etc.; however, sports like quidditch, battleship, and dodgeball also exist in the intramural sports world, and I am sure almost all of us are experts at dodgeball after the instructional video from Patches O’Houlihan. The types of intramural sports vary depending on what college you attend, but they all pose the same benefits.
For starters, it is a way to avoid the infamous “Freshman 15.” By joining one of the sports teams, you can participate in practices and games, getting exercise instead of stuffing your face with Doritos like the other broke college students. Along with staying physically fit, these intramural sports provide individuals the opportunity to improve their skills or even develop new skills. Intramural sports are a great way to make friends. As a freshman, participating in an intramural sport will instantly provide you with a group of people that you have something in common with, increasing your chance of making new friends. Another social benefit of intramural sports is that they teach individuals teamwork, cooperation and sportsmanship. These traits and skills are very important not only in college but after you graduate as well. Finally, intramural sports provide mental health benefits as well as they can relieve stress of exams or any other situation going on. Sports in general are known as a break from a hard working day or other stressful situation, and since intramural sports are really not that competitive, it serves as an even bigger break.
Intramural sports pose many benefits to college students as they provide a healthful alternative to residing to laziness or risky behaviors. They are usually led by student government, student development or the student affairs/activities office of the university or college. If you are looking for a way to stay active and make friends, intramural sports are the way to go. Unless you think football players score baskets, you can play an intramural sport.