Undecided about a career choice? Yeah, me too

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
This is the question adults began asking us when we were toddlers and continue to ask us today. It seems like one of the only things people can think to ask about is the future careers of students, especially when they learn we are in high school. I always respond to the question, but looking back over the years, my answer is different from month-to-month, sometimes even week-to-week.
The first career I really considered as a toddler besides the thought of being a hairstylist and princess, was a veterinarian. During second grade I loved animals and nature, and even received a book about being a vet; however, once I looked at the book and saw that more than just grooming and cuddling animals was required, I was done. Then, in fifth grade, I was set on marine biology. My favorite animal was a dolphin, and I thought being a marine biologist meant I could just explore the sea with my dolphin pal all day. After realizing there was more to the job than that, I had to face reality. There was one major issue keeping me from that career: I was, and still am, afraid of swimming with fish. Yes, that’s right. Once I came to my senses and middle school started, I began to think I was going to become everything from a chef, to a dental hygienist, to a bricklayer (my career test in middle school told me that was my true calling).
My fear of fish and my lack of interest in the field of bricklaying stopped those careers from happening, along with the realization that I would not be good at any of the above jobs. Not one of my past dream careers are related in any way and have anything to do with what I am considering now. But, I mean, look how far I have come. I am trying to decide between a major related to exercise science/nutrition or journalism. At least what I am thinking about now is realistic. When filling out college applications and scholarships I am always supposed to include my major, but what if I just do not know? I cannot seem to make a decision about anything.
So, next time someone asks me what I want to do with my life, which will probably be within the next couple of hours, I will just say bricklayer or president, or whatever comes to my mind first. I will just have to see what the future holds.