Winter provides positives, not as dreary as it seems

Winter. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Or is it?
In November, the first time it snowed, my first period class displayed mixed emotions. I heard the response of “Yay, snow!” and “Ewww. Why?” Many people seem to dislike winter, mainly because of the frigid temperatures and frozen slush. I, however, love winter and think that it is the greatest season. I feel as though people often complain about how terrible it is and just write it off as something they dislike right away. If people give it a chance and recognize that there are many parts of winter they can look forward to, they may find that their mood will improve and their winter months more bearable.
While there are some downfalls to winter, like depressed moods, difficult driving conditions and mountains of snow to shovel, there are so many positives that you can look forward to during the frosty season.
First of all, snow days. Need I say more? It is not very often that another season gets you a day off school, let alone up to five of them. Lying in bed and hearing the phone ring at five AM is one of the best feelings, and makes the week go by so much faster.
Winter also gives an excuse to pig out, with Thanksgiving and Christmas providing many opportunities to do so. Thanksgiving is a whole day of eating until one is about to puke, resting, and then repeating the process, and is then followed by multiple Christmas parties and celebrations. Once one thinks all the food will end, New Year’s rolls around and then there are leftovers for a couple of days. Unfortunately, some of us may gain a few pounds, but no worries; it can easily be hidden under warm sweaters and scarves.
While so many people think all they can do is sit indoors throughout the winter months, winter is the source of quite a few outdoor activities, including skiing and snowboarding. When there is quite a bit of snow on the ground it is the right time to go sledding with some friends, have a snowball fight, find an ice skating rink, or attempt to build a snowman.
Lastly, practically everybody has to admit that at some point in their lives they have looked at the freshly fallen snow and thought it was beautiful, especially when it reflects the sunlight. It seems to look good in the middle of nowhere, on buildings, in trees, at night, in the morning, or even on your dog.
Winter is full of many opportunities. How people view the season is up to them; however, if they see the positives of the season they may find themselves in a better spirit for the next couple of months.