RHS seniors commit to college for soccer

Many young kids play sports, but not many stay with the sport all the way up to the collegiate level. RHS seniors Katerina Tsarouhas and Mia Fourtounis have been playing soccer together since they were little, and they have both stuck with it. Throughout their years of soccer together, they have played for several different club teams and Revere, as well. Next year, they will begin their next chapter of their soccer careers. 

Tsarouhas and Fourtounis will be continuing together to play soccer together in college for Penn State Behrend. 

Both girls officially committed to Penn State Behrend in the spring as juniors. 

Penn State Behrend is a branch campus of Penn State. It is located in Erie, Pennsylvania, which is about three hours away from home for Tsarouhas and Fourtounis.

Fourtounis explained how she got into soccer. 

“I just played a ton of sports when I was little, and soccer was just my favorite, so I just stuck with it,” Fourtounis said. 

Tsarouhas spoke on how long she has been with her sport.

“I have been playing for thirteen years, since kindergarten. I started playing club [soccer] in fourth grade, and I have always had a passion for [soccer],” Tsarouhas said. 

Fourtounis’ favorite memory from her time playing soccer for Revere was senior night. She recalled this special game. 

“I think that was just a really fun game, and in our locker room we did a ton of dances that day [and we did] a lot of new traditions, so it was really fun. We played [well] because we were all excited,” Fourtounis said. 

Tsarouhas’ favorite soccer memory is winning the State Cup in 2017 with her club team. 

The Revere women’s soccer season concluded in late October, but the two are still playing for their club teams. Tsarouhas plays for Cleveland Force Soccer Club, based in Cleveland. She just switched from her previous team of three years, FC Evolution. Fourtounis currently plays for FC Evolution in Strongsville. 

Tsarouhas explained what she is most looking forward to about playing soccer in college. 

“I think [I’m looking forward to] being able to keep playing soccer non-competitively and making friends. When we go into college, we are already going to have twenty five girls that we can be friends with. . . I think I already know almost all the girls on the team. . . I think it will teach me good life lessons [as well],” Tsarouhas said. 

Fourtounis spoke about how she feels going into the program. 

“I am really excited, and I really like the coach. He is super nice, and the assistant coach. . . I really like her a lot. We went to an ID camp a little bit ago , and we met a bunch of the girls on the team there and they were all super nice. I am really excited to get closer with them,” Fourtounis said. 

An ID camp is an opportunity for the recruits and current team members to play together and a time for the coach to observe. 

Revere Women’s Soccer coach Dave Howson described Tsarouhas and Fourtounis as players of his team. 

“They were absolutely essential to our team for this season and for previous seasons as well. They’re both outstanding players, but I think it goes above that. They’re both fantastic young ladies,” Howson said. 

Tsarouhas and Fourtounis were both team captains this year. Howson described how they displayed good leadership qualities during their time as captains. 

“They are the leaders on our team. They are the ones that came to me over the summer to see what they could do to help out the team. They set a great example both on and off the field. They’re both very very good people and very very good players,” Howson said. 

Howson described how he felt about his players going on to play at the collegiate level. 

“Whenever any of our players go on to play at the collegiate level, I think it’s fantastic. I think it is fully deserved with the work, commitment and effort that they’ve shown throughout their high school careers,” Howson said. 

Fourtounis explained how she is excited for what is to come.

“I’m looking forward to not doing the same thing everyday. I am excited for a change, and I think it is going to be really good for both of us. I am excited that I have somebody to do it with and that I’m not going alone because it’s less scary that way,” Fourtounis said. 

Aside from soccer, Tsarouhas plans to major in biology and minor in crime, law and psychology. Fourtounis plans to major in mechanical engineering and minor in biomedical engineering. The two are also thinking about rooming together in college as well. 

Throughout their soccer careers the girls have played together, and they get to continue to play together in college.