Two Revere alumni inducted into The Revere High School Hall of Fame
Saltis and Meyer answer questions after the ceremony.
As the school year nears the end, Revere High School seniors prepare to advance onto the next stage of their lives. With the knowledge and experience gained from high school, graduating students have many opportunities; whether it’s military enlistment, college or countless other options. Years later, Revere alumni can remember the experience that shaped their teenage years as they go onto greater things. Two Revere alumni had the chance to return to the high school and receive an honor granted by the school.
The Revere Alumni Association and the Revere Schools Foundation inducted Katherine Myer and Larry Saltis into the Revere Alumni Hall of Fame for 2022 on March 25.
Since 1992, the Revere High School Alumni Hall of Fame has recognized Revere High School graduates who have stood out in their respective careers and also in the Revere community.
Larry Saltis is a 1986 Revere High School graduate who came back on March 25 to receive his Hall of Fame award. Saltis reflected on how he felt during the time he was given this honor.
“The entire process was very flattering. I was grateful just to be in front of the high school population in that way and be able to answer your questions. To have your own kids in the high school system go ahead and introduce you, that was a big honor as well,” Saltis said.
When he found out that he was chosen for this type of honor, he felt hesitant since he was unsure of what he did to receive it. He soon grew into the whole situation confidently and respectfully at the same time. Being at the high school again reminded him of the times he was there and how his experience could be relatable to the students currently there.
“I think [my experience] was like most high school kids. It’s tough. I was always taking AP courses, so I was overwhelmed like every kid is right now. I always had a constant schedule, there were no breaks in it, just like all of you. I got through it,” Saltis said.
During all his difficult academic years, he cultivated his passion for music. During his sophomore year, he had a band that was always rehearsing. Even before he started this band, his passion for music began when he was much younger.
“I started playing guitar when I was seven years old. When I was 15, I got my first electric guitar and then started a band. Next thing you know, you’re playing the first variety show they ever had in the auditorium. I was hooked. And the next thing you know, music became very important to me ,” Saltis said.
Eventually, Saltis began signing record deals, playing in multiple bands and even starring in TV shows. As he was attending Kent State University, he auditioned in New York City and was chosen to be in a band called ‘The New Monkees.’ Despite his passion for music, he also wanted to make a living in construction, another childhood dream of his.
“You get older in life and you figure out the things you want to be doing and how you want to be spending your time and how you can make a good living. I fell into construction in between times when I had checks coming in for the music industry,” Saltis said.
When asked what advice he would give to highschool students, he gives steps on how one should try and pursue their dream.
“First ask yourself, what is it that you want to do? Two, how are you going to do it? And three, what do you want to end up with? You have to be able to answer the third one, because without it you can’t answer the first two,” Saltis said.
Although there were a lot of similarities between his own experience and high school students now, he explained that the pressure is greater for students now to figure out what they want to do in life.
“I think they want you guys to figure everything out before you go. And I think quite honestly, everybody’s mind is too young. So I would be careful about the pressures on the outside,” Saltis said.
Saltis explained how students should be aware that they do not have to figure out what their job will be right away, but they will go to college to figure out what craft they really want to do. An example of this was Katherine Meyer’s story on how she became a lawyer. Meyer graduated in 1973 from Manhattan College in New York with a major in English Literature. Only after hearing a speech by consumer advocate Ralph Nader about protections for consumers is when she wanted to become a lawyer to make a positive contribution in the world. Currently, she supervises law students and represents clients.
“I am the director of the Harvard Law School animal law and policy clinic. We do a lot of federal court litigation here on behalf of organizations and individuals who are trying to protect and conserve animals,” Meyer said.
Upon being inducted into the Hall of Fame, Meyer explains that she felt very honored as the high school she was fond of was now recognizing her achievements later in life.
“[High school] was a huge part of my life in my formative years. I thought the whole process and the whole ceremony [during] the whole day was really special,” Meyer said.

At Revere, Meyer met with fellow inductee Saltis and also the whole student body. In addition to a warm welcome that Meyer received from the students, she was also able to hear their questions and issues during the Q and A which she thought was interesting. The skills that she gained from Revere High School also helped her in her professional career, more specifically a certain class.
“I learned how to write from my AP English teacher. Learning how to write is really important in any kind of profession. [That] has probably been the most important skill that I learned when I was in high school that served me extremely well in my profession,” Meyer said.
Other than the knowledge she gained in her classes, she also learned basically how to interact with other people. She also learned how to listen to others’ concerns and engage with an open mind and various points of view. The advice that Meyer conveyed to the student body is a simple one.
“Don’t try to be someone else that you’re not. If we were all the same, the world would be a boring place. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, passions, skills and talents,” Meyer said.
Overall, Meyer enjoyed the whole experience. She was glad to bring her husband, who had never been to her high school previously, back to the place that was so impactful for her.
Revere Superintendent Dr. Michael Tefs attended the ceremony for the first time and made closing remarks. Tefs described his reaction to the ceremony.
“I did [like the ceremony]. I think that any attempt or effort to honor alumni is terrific,” Tefs said.
Tefs emphasized that what made the event special was the fact that the assembly included the student body.
“I talked to both inductees and what that meant to them is huge, so even if I would’ve been a student, I gave something to them. Those two [inductees] will remember it for the rest of their lives,” Tefs said.
The student body involvement was not only marked by attentive listening and applause, but was also shown in the Q and A session at the end. Tefs experienced the session and liked what they were trying to accomplish in making students involved. After the ceremony, Tefs was able to talk to the two inductees during lunch.
“The lunch afterwards in the library was a great time to really just get close and talk about how they were feeling about the day,” Tefs said.
To Tefs, this event showcased Revere’s alumni association. He remarked on the significance of this ceremony and how it makes Revere’s alumni association special.
“This is something I’ve never seen before in my nearly thirty years of this business of how they involve the entire school,” Tefs said.
Tefs stresses the importance of learning and building a school’s alumni association. He thinks that Revere’s alumni association is one that other schools would want to emulate.
“I think that there is something here that others would probably want to see if you have an alumni association. [With] networking we can all learn from others, we can probably learn something from other alumni associations around the area,” Tefs said.
Speaking about the ceremony itself, Tefs found it very impactful that Lawerence Saltis’ son and daughter, both current students of the Revere district, delivered the speech for their father to receive that award. The two inductees were able to visit their former high school and receive an honor which solidifies their legacies and their impact on the community.
This Hall of Fame serves to honor those in the Revere community that have made substantial contributions. This year, two Revere Alumni were inducted for their achievements in each of their fields. While both have seen great success in their lives in overcoming adversity and building their careers, they both are amazing individuals.
“At the end of the day . . . it was all about who they were as a person, that was the biggest takeaway to me,” Tefs said.