Lacrosse player trades stocks in spare time
Dettling celebrates a successful game.
In the sixth period study hall, many individuals are focused on completing their homework. After the group finishes their work, most of them just sit there and enjoy their freetime. Instead of daydreaming, a single student is making money. Andrew Dettling spends the majority of his time trading in the stock market.
Dettling is a prime example of a daytrader, which is a person who sells a stock and buys another in a short period of time. The senior lacrosse player spends his time in school studying the market in order to make the right decision about a certain stock. His portfolio, which is a person’s list of investments they have made, contains dozens of firms with a build-up of a few years. Dettling talked about who got him interested in the stock market.
“I first heard of the stock market through Warren Buffet [the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway], and I wanted to be like him. He is famous for crediting the statement “Invest in what you like.” He was my inspiration to get into the market,” Dettling said.
Dettling also credits his father for sparking his interest. As a child, Dettling would help his father make financial decisions about the market, since one has to be eighteen years old to have their own account. Now that Dettling has reached that age, he now works on his portfolio by himself. He described the enjoyment he possesses as a trader.
“My favorite part of the stock market is how unpredictable it can be. It always excites me to watch the market because everything is happening simultaneously throughout the world. The market can change any second, and no one can see any change coming. I like to watch companies grow over time and witness the change in their corporation,” Dettling said.
On top of generating income, the stock market can inspire numerous life lessons. Dettling shared the lessons he learned from the market.
“The biggest lesson I have learned is how valuable patience is. In certain situations, the best course of action is to wait out certain stocks and see how they increase their value,” Dettling said.
Dettling also is a member of the Revere men’s lacrosse team. He first picked up a lacrosse stick in the seventh grade and stated that he hated the sport early on. Dettling later learned to appreciate the game as his skill increased. Dettling summarized the growth he witnessed as a lacrosse player.
“When I first started playing games on a competitive playing field, it shifted my viewpoint. I went from being a scout player in practice to competing against some really good opponents, and that is what made the sport that much sweeter. I wanted to go out there and compete with whoever was across from me,” Dettling said.
On top of lacrosse, Dettling involved himself in football. His career began in the fifth grade, and he enjoyed every second of it. Now, as a senior, he credits the sport for allowing him to make lifelong friends. Coach William D’Amico has been with Dettling since his sixth grade season. D’Amico stated that Dettling is one of a kind.
“Dettling is a guy that always has a smile on his face, and I have never seen anything like it before. He possesses a constant positive attitude towards anything, and I can’t wait to see what he does with his life,” D’Amico said.
Going into his senior year, Dettling prepared himself for a successful football and lacrosse season. As the football season started, Dettling was set to start at the outside linebacker position, but he suffered a head injury, which resulted in him missing the entire season. Head athletic trainer Lauri Kelly was able to spend a decent amount of time with Dettling due to his injury, and this is what she had to say about the senior athlete.
“He is one of the nicest people I’ve met, and he works really well with his teammates. Hanging out on the sidelines with him was fun, which I felt bad because of his injury, but he is a pretty fun kid. We love having him in the Revere sports community,” Kelly said.
Of their conversations, many of them are based on the stock market. Both Dettling and Kelly are inspiring investors, and they would talk about current events and what they meant for the market. Kelly explained the conversations they would have as investors.
“Dettling and I frequently discuss our portfolios with each other. He is a great person to talk to about the market because he knows so much about it,” Kelly said.
Since Dettling spends time in both sports and the stock market, lessons tend to cross over with each other. Inspiration he finds in one of the fields leaks over into the other, allowing him to work as a whole instead of two different parts. Dettling described how life lessons can transfer from the stock market to sports, and vice versa.
“Lessons I have learned from the stock market definitely transfer onto the playing field. Going back to what I said about patience, I had to take my time and learn the game, and it paid off in the end. As I put effort into the stock market, I saw my work grow, and the same thing happened for lacrosse,” Dettling said.
While sports have been a vital part of Dettling’s character, the stock market trumps all. Dettling elaborated that he plans on investing more and more time and money into the market as he grows up, as well as pursuing a career in real estate. The connections between the housing market and the stock market share unique parallels, so Dettling is excited for the opportunities ahead.