Freshman creates video edits in spare time
Jaden Farlin, along with a full schedule of sports, spends his free time creating different edits
Farlin shows edits on his phone.
At the North Coast Classic wrestling tournament in Independence, Ohio, wrestlers from around the state come to compete for the podium. Athletes from over twenty-five schools surround the gym, patiently waiting their turn to take the mat. With over fourteen competitions going on at once, it is one of the most active tournaments in the state. As the Revere wrestling team arrives at their waiting area over the past weekend, one freshman is on his phone, undisturbed by the chaos that surrounds him.
That freshman’s name is Jaden Farlin. While most people would think that he is just on his phone playing video games, he is actually creating his very own collage of videos. Farlin picked up the hobby and fell in love with it. The edit he worked on at the tournament was based on the famous sponge from Nickelodeon, Spongebob Squarepants.
Editing is one of Farlin’s many hobbies, which he shares on the popular social media platform TikTok. He picked up the hobby a few months ago and has continually improved by adding new changes. His accountF has over 350,000 likes. Farlin explained how he got into editing.
“I have been editing for a couple of months now. I really did not have much to do in my spare time, and I thought it would be a cool hobby to pursue. I am happy I started editing, because it brings a lot of joy seeing how much people are entertained by the videos I make,” Farlin said.
Farlin takes inspiration from many different works. He can highlight one particular character, no matter what their role was. Most of his edits spotlight people in television shows and movies. Farlin talked about his editing process for most videos.
“It is actually pretty simple. Each edit I try to make after a single movie or television show, and then I decide what I want the edit to be focused on. I will choose certain scenes and audio after that. Finally the last step is to synchronize the video with the audio,” Farlin said.
Farlin created over eighty videos, each one specializing on a character from some work. Edits include television shows like Chowder, The Amazing World of Gumball and Spongebob. He said each one is special to him, but he does have a clear favorite.
“My favorite edit is my first one, which is the scene from Cars, where the four misfit cars cause the big truck to fall asleep. When I finished, I saw the potential of editing and how limitless the creativity truly is,” Farlin said.
Farlin follows many accounts because he views numerous different editors. He enjoys watching other people’s interpretations with edits because it gives him ideas for his own. Farlin talked about the inspiration he has taken from other editors.
“There is a lot to learn about editing. Everyone has their own creative flair, and it is interesting to see how they interpret other works. I take inspiration from other creators and use some of their ideas in my own edits,” Farlin said.
Farlin is also a member of Revere’s football and wrestling teams, which is how he met his friend Donovan Farrow, also a freshman. Farrow creates edits like Farlin. Farrow described his relationship with Farlin.
“We ran into each other on the sideline at football practice one day and we just started talking about life. He then told me about how he makes edits, so I went home and searched them up. I was very impressed,” Farrow said.
Since both of them create their own edits, the two will show each other their art before releasing them upon social media. Farrow talked about Farlin’s edits.
“I have seen a lot of comedy edits from him, but he also can be serious with it. I think his edits are enjoyable to watch because he is so good at it,” Farrow said.
Farlin was a rookie offensive and defensive lineman for the Minutemen this past season. He contributed to the team by playing on the scout team, which competed against the varsity starters. Farlin talked about what the football team meant to him this season.
“It was my first year playing football so I did not really know much, but by the end of the season I was getting the hang of it. It was really awesome to play with the guys on the team,” Farlin said.
Farrow talked about his relationship with Farlin.
“Our relationship is pretty chill. The only bad thing is we do not have many classes together, but we still wave to each other when we see one another. Jaden is someone you could just talk about life with,” Farrow said.
Along with football, Farlin also joined the wrestling team this season. Coach CJ Edwards coached Farlin during both seasons and enjoys watching him grow as an athlete as well as a person. Edwards had this to say about Farlin.
“Jaden Farlin is a very passionate individual. He joined the football team this year and kept improving. He also decided to wrestle this year, and I am very happy to work with him for another season. [Farlin] is very coachable, which is one of his aspects I admire most about him,” Edwards said.
Farlin enjoys creating edits, especially if it is a request by a friend or family member. He has looked into continuing his passion later in life. Farlin talked about his possible future as an editor and the studying of editing later in life.
“It is a pretty fun hobby, and I really enjoy creating them. If there was a possibility I would definitely want to pursue an editing career,” Farlin said.
Farlin wants to keep sharing his talent with others. Edits can take time to create, but Farlin enjoys spending his time on them. No matter if he is at home or at wrestling tournaments, Farlin will keep at his craft and continue to bring joy to others.
Oswald cobblepot • Mar 1, 2022 at 9:17 pm
Wow truly inspiring
Jack • Dec 14, 2021 at 9:59 am
Amazing article