Revere seniors to repaint cafeteria section

A couple buckets of paint, a few brushes, and an enthusiastic senior class. All these things are coming together for the senior class in their new senior section in the cafeteria. It takes a lot of planning and coordinating to bring all these things together and to make improvements for the school.
Over this past summer, the Revere High School staff worked hard on improving the school on the inside and outside. Several improvements have been made in the cafeteria, primarily the painting of the entire cafeteria including the senior section. The cafeteria was repainted because the old paint was starting to peel away and was dirty.
RHS principal Phil King made the decision to have the cafeteria repainted. King talked to the 2016 class president Drew Espinal and asked him to redesign the senior section.
The old design of the senior section had been there since 2005 and it was a city skyline. But the paint of it had become dirty and starting to peel away. King mentioned how the cafeteria was starting to look old and needed an upgrade.
King and Espinal also worked with the senior class adviser Elizabeth Long.
King let Espinal and the 2016 class officers come up with the design completely on their own and had no part in the design. The design only had to be school appropriate.
Espinal and the other class officers came up with a design for the new senior section based on Central Park in New York City.
“The seniors are very excited to have the opportunity of being able to paint the new section,” Espinal said.
They have already bought the paint and are ready to move forward and start doing the painting themselves.
“Seniors who are artists or any artists will be doing the painting of the new senior section,” Espinal said.
Long mentioned who will be doing the painting.
“No professional painters will be doing the painting of the senior section,” Long said.
It will be done all by students at the school they don’t have to be seniors to help paint. They will be using latex paint. King chose this paint because it is easier to clean.
“One day it just came to me. I was trying to think of what would fit perfectly in it. And so I just thought of it and it just works,” Espinal said.
Right now they are only focusing on painting the senior section, but there could be other improvements in the future. Some of the possible upgrades that could come to the senior section are the benches being repainted and replaced with new ones. Espinal and Mr. King are still working together to get the senior section painted and finished. It should be done very soon. Espinal and the senior class are excited to leave their legacy on the school through the senior section.