The 2019 U.S. News and World Report Best High School rankings came out in April 2019, and Revere moved up twenty spots since the last ranking.
U.S. News and World Report ranks all high schools and colleges. Principal Phillip King explained the six different factors that determine the rankings of high schools in the United States and mentioned that Revere has five out of six factors that contribute to its ranking.
“[The ranking] comes from the following: high school math courses, so the end of course exams, the reading scores that we get for end of course exams, the graduation rate is also taken into account, the common core date, which common core is an instructional component and we measure the knowledge of students through reading and math, international, which we do not offer here, and AP testers and their scores. [The U.S. News and World Report] take all those numbers and there is a formula that they use, and I do not know the exact formula, and then they give us a score ranking,” King said.
Revere’s ranking moved up twenty spots and is now ranked 29th in Ohio out of 736 high schools, eleventh in Northeastern Ohio and 835th in the United States. Revere has an overall score of 95.16 out of 100. King explained how the scores are impacted by the class.
“These scores are taken from the 2016-2017 school year and that was a very strong class,” King said.
King talked about why he believes the rating moved up and explained that future ratings may increase due to AP testing becoming mandatory, but that the score increase will not occur for two years.
“We also think it has something to do with the way we have addressed some of our curricular components. We have our teachers doing curriculum maps now to more accurately and clearly outline what is being taught in each class. We think that is a good component and we think we are going to have a rise as well because next year AP students are required to take the AP exams. We anticipate that the scores will go up, but that will not take place until the 2022-2023 school year,” King said.
Superintendent Matthew Montgomery talked about the amount of time and effort put in and also explained the changes the district has made to help improve the curriculum.
“Each year we monitor mostly how we perform on this assessment and they changed the metrics from year to year. We are always trying to make changes that will improve the overall educational process. We have spent a lot of time the last four years focusing on mapping our curriculum, assessment literacy, and aligning the curriculum, not only vertically, which means teachers that teach the same subject, but also subjects that would come before or after a given subject and how they align. I think we are now starting to see a return on our investment,” Montgomery said.
Montgomery mentioned what it feels like to view the ratings when they are released.
“I was very proud and excited for our students and our staff. It is something we are continuously working on, and I don’t think we have arrived yet. I look at the number and say I feel proud for how far the district has come and then we begin on working to insure that we continue in that direction.