Administrators connect with local fire and police departments to set up a mock crash to show students the affects of drunk driving.
Principal Phillip King discussed why the mock crash takes place every two years and why both juniors and seniors are invited.
“We do the event every two years because it is such a big undertaking and it really requires a lot of input and time from both townships, and the hearse coming in, and that is why we invite both the juniors and seniors to observe,” King said.
King explained how the event is set up and mentioned that due to the help of the police and fire department, as well as the help of students and judges, the event is possible and goes smoothly.
“Luckily, the folks we work with in the fire and police department have connections, and when it comes to the outside part and setting up all the ambulances, cars, etc. there is a lead person through the fire department, his name is Jeffery Kuzas and he led the direction out there. When it came to the trial I made the phone calls to get the people involved. We had two judges on the Summit county court of appeals and the assistant Ohio attorney general,. Each person takes a part and it all works and flows,” King said.
King described why he believes the event is important. He also mentioned that even if only one student is impacted by he mock crash then it is worth it.
“Even if it affects only one person positively for them not to make a poor decision to put themselves in a dangerous situation then I think it is worth it,” King said.
At Risk Student Coordinator Bonnie Simonelli discussed how the teens involved in the mock crash were selected.
“The students are currently Teen Institute members and Molly [Oldham] was recommended to be in the scenario by our President. The Middle School students are in PANDA,” Simonelli said.
Simonelli talked about the various people who helped out to make the mock crash possible.
“Our partners in this event are Richfield and Bath Police and Fire, officer Dressler, Teen Institute, PANDA, Jennifer Stencil (Richfield Library), Faulhaber’s Funeral Home, Judge Allison McCarthy, Judge Thomas McCarthy, and Judge Tammy O’Brien,” Simonelli said.
Assistant Principal Doug Faris, who viewed the mock crash for the first time this year, explained how he feels about the mock crash and mentioned how beneficial it is for students.
“Seeing the Mock Crash for the first time had an amazing impact on me. With Akron Schools, we did something similar, but never to that degree of detail. l believe taking it through the entire process of showing what each department (police, fire, EMT, etc.) does when they arrive on the scene was beneficial. Furthermore, showing what would happen in the courtroom had a huge impact as well,” Faris said.
The mock crash will take place again during the 2020-2021 school year.