The National Art Honors Society (NAHS) inducts new members after reviewing portfolios from applicants.
The Revere chapter was founded in 1990 and art teacher Robert Pierson took on the adviser role in 2010.
Pierson explained how students who apply are selected to become a part of NAHS. He also mentioned an average of twenty students are in NAHS and applicants only have to apply once.
“Members are selected through successful completion of the application process that has shown they are qualified for admission,” Pierson said.
Co-president Zoe Kayafas mentioned what NAHS is and how the club uses their talents to spread awareness about art throughout the community.
“NAHS is all about bringing art to the community and cultivating art education for high school students. The main thing we do is art related service for the community,” Kayafas said.
Kayafas explained the requirements of NAHS and what students who apply need to have in order to be considered.
“As far as applications go, applicants need a minimum of two trimesters of art classes, a minimum gpa of 3.0 in those art classes, an art teacher’s recommendation, a still life drawing, an original price of work, and a one-page essay relating to that piece giving information about how it was made and the connection the applicant has to it,” Kayafas said.
Co-president Laney Harner mentioned how often NAHS meets and what they do at meetings. Harner also mentioned that NAHS goes over how to submit artwork for upcoming competitions.
“We have a meeting on the first Friday of every month and we normally have discussions about volunteer opportunities. If there are any art shows coming up, like Governors or Scholastics, then we also talk about how to submit artwork and when they are due by,” Harner said.
Vice President Jess Vari touched on the amount of volunteer hours needed per trimester. Vari also talked about a volunteer activity NAHS takes part in every year, making the backgrounds for the school plays and musicals.
“Each trimester we have to have seven hours of art related volunteer hours. NAHS, specifically our coordinator Mr. Pierson, is in charge of designing the backgrounds for the plays and we help paint them. We are also in charge of helping run the art show in the spring,” Vari said.
Vari also explained what NAHS is about and touched on how students utilize their artistic talents outside of art class and art in general. Vari also gave examples of art related community service that NAHS would take part in.
“Basically we try to better the community through art. Yes, we are talented artists but we use our talents beyond just art class. We help with set construction in the plays, help at community events by face painting, go to art galleries, help set up and run the art show and much more,” Vari said.
New members were inducted October 22 at a new member breakfast and they made placemats for Veteran’s Day.