Deepwood Drive, a band composed of four Revere students, performed along with other bands to raise money for the Akron Food Bank.
Deepwood Drive is named after where the members live. The band was formed in December 2017.
Bass player Joe Lutman mentioned how he became a part of Deepwood Drive.
“We consist of Andy Flowers, Jon Flowers, myself, Joe Lutman, and Lawrence Saltis. I didn’t decide to [join]; Jon flowers asked because he needed a bass player, ” Lutman said.
Drummer Andy Flowers discussed how the band got involved in playing for the Akron Food Bank to raise money.
“It was put on by the Fairlawn School of Music, where all of us have or are taking lessons. The event was called ‘Rock for a Good Cause.’ During this event, many bands play and donations are taken to benefit the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank. Deepwood Drive was first put together to play at this event a few years back. Originally Jon and [my] dad was a part of the band…. he works at the food bank, and, he’s been a musician all his life. Overall the event raised over $1500 dollars for the Foodbank which equals roughly 4,000 meals for those in need in and around Summit County,” Flowers said.
Flowers noted where else Deepwood Drive has performed.
“We’ve performed at the variety show, Jilly’s Music Room and Musica in downtown Akron,” Flowers said.
Flowers discussed how often he practices and how often the band practices.
“I practice my drums for at least 30 minutes a day. We practice as a band about once a week,” Flowers said.
Flowers talked about how long he has been playing the drums and how he got started.
“I was raised in a musical family. My father bought a drum kit when I was 10 and I quickly picked up playing. So it’s been around 7 years that I’ve been behind a kit,’ Flowers said.
Guitarist and vocalist Jon Flowers talked about how he began his musical career and how he decided to form the band.
“I joined the marching band this year and began on a path of musical stuff. I’ve played guitar for around 5 years and I’ve always wanted to be in a band so I felt the time was right so I went and formed Deepwood Drive,” Flowers said.
Flowers also discussed how the band became involved in performing for the Akron Food Bank.
“It was organized by the Fairlawn School of Music, which I attend, and my guitar asked if we wanted to do it…. it kind of went without saying. Of course, we’d do a show for a good cause. It was a no-brainer after my teacher asked,” Flowers said.
Flowers also mentioned how long he has been playing guitar and who his inspiration is.
“My dad was in a band in the 90s and he’s really been my inspiration to pick up music and form a band. I’ve been playing guitar for around 5-6 years,” Flowers said.
Lawrence Saltis, an eighth-grader who recently joined the band, talked about what instrument he plays, how often he performs, and where he has performed before.
“I play the keyboard/piano. I have been playing for 4 years. I practice nearly five days a week and I have performed at Highland Square Porch Rocker, Jillie’s Music Center, and the Rubber Ducks Stadium many times,” Saltis said.